<?php use mystic\forum\orm\User; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email; $token = $_GET["token"] ?? call_user_func(function() { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Missing token")); exit; }); $sig = $_GET["sig"] ?? call_user_func(function() { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Missing signature")); exit; }); $user = new User(); $user->activationToken = $token; if (!$db->fetchWhere($user, "activation_token")) { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Invalid token")); exit; } $expectedSignature = base64_encode(hash("sha256", env("SECRET") . $user->activationToken . $user->id, true)); if ($expectedSignature !== $sig) { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Invalid signature.")); exit; } $isActivation = !$user->activated; if ($isActivation) { $user->activated = true; $user->activationToken = ""; if (!$db->update($user)) { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Failed to update user")); exit; } msg_info("?!HTML::" . __( "Your account has been activated!\nPlease click %link%here%/link% to log in!", [ "link" => '<a href="?_action=auth">', "/link" => '</a>', ] )); } else { $oldEmail = $user->email; $newEmail = $user->pendingEmail; $user->activationToken = ""; $user->email = $user->pendingEmail; $user->pendingEmail = null; $user->pendingEmailCreated = null; if (!$db->update($user)) { http_response_code(400); msg_error(__("Failed to update user")); exit; } $transport = Transport::fromDsn(env("MAILER_DSN")); try { $transport->send( (new Email()) ->from(env("MAILER_FROM")) ->to(new Address($oldEmail, $user->displayName)) ->text(__( "Hello, %user_display_name%!\n" . "\n" . "Your email address has been successfully changed from %old_email% to %new_email%!\n" . "\n" . "Kind regards,\n" . "%forum_copyright%", params: [ "forum_title" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum"), "user_display_name" => $user->displayName, "old_email" => $oldEmail, "new_email" => $newEmail, "forum_copyright" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_COPYRIGHT") ?? env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum") ] )) ->subject(__("Email address changed")) ); } catch (TransportException $_) { // fail silently } try { $transport->send( (new Email()) ->from(env("MAILER_FROM")) ->to(new Address($newEmail, $user->displayName)) ->text(__( "Hello, %user_display_name%!\n" . "\n" . "Your email address has been successfully changed from %old_email% to %new_email%!\n" . "\n" . "Kind regards,\n" . "%forum_copyright%", params: [ "forum_title" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum"), "user_display_name" => $user->displayName, "old_email" => $oldEmail, "new_email" => $newEmail, "forum_copyright" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_COPYRIGHT") ?? env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum") ] )) ->subject(__("Email address changed")) ); } catch (TransportException $_) { // fail silently } msg_info("?!HTML::" . __( "Your email address has been changed successfully!\nPlease click %link%here%/link% to return to your profile!", [ "link" => '<a href="?_action=viewuser&user=' . htmlentities(urlencode($user->id)) . '">', "/link" => '</a>', ] )); }