<?php use mystic\forum\orm\User; use mystic\forum\orm\UserPermissions; use mystic\forum\utils\RequestUtils; use mystic\forum\utils\ValidationUtils; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email; $formId = $_POST["form_id"] ?? null; if ($formId === null) { http_response_code(400); msg_error("Missing form_id"); exit; } if ($formId === "update_password") { if (!$currentUser) { http_response_code(403); msg_error(__("You must be logged in to update your password")); exit; } if (!$isOwnProfile) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("You don't have permission to update this user's password"), $formId); } RequestUtils::ensureRequestMethod("POST"); $currentPassword = RequestUtils::getRequiredField("current_password", $formId); $newPassword = RequestUtils::getRequiredField("new_password", $formId); $retypePassword = RequestUtils::getRequiredField("retype_password", $formId); if (!password_verify($currentPassword, $currentUser->passwordHash)) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Current password is incorrect"), $formId); } if ($newPassword !== $retypePassword) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("New passwords don't match"), $formId); } if (strlen($newPassword) < 8) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Password too short! Your password must consist of 8 or more characters"), $formId); } $currentUser->passwordHash = password_hash($newPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); if (!$db->update($currentUser)) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Failed to update password"), $formId); } header("Location: $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"); } elseif ($formId === "update_profile") { if (!$currentUser) { http_response_code(403); msg_error(__("You must be logged in to update your profile")); exit; } $canEdit = ($currentUser?->id === $user?->id && $user?->hasPermission(UserPermissions::EDIT_OWN_USER)) || ($currentUser?->hasPermission(UserPermissions::EDIT_OTHER_USER)); if (!$canEdit) { http_response_code(403); msg_error(__("You don't have permission to update this profile")); exit; } $displayName = RequestUtils::getRequiredField("display_name", $formId); $pfpAction = RequestUtils::getRequiredField("pfp_action", $formId); $userName = $_POST["name"] ?? $user->name; $email = $_POST["email"] ?? $user->email; $user->displayName = $displayName; $userName = strtolower($userName); if ($userName !== $user->name) { if ($lastNameChangeTooRecent) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("You can only change your username every 30 days!"), $formId); } else { if (!ValidationUtils::isUsernameValid($userName)) RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Invalid username!"), $formId); if (!ValidationUtils::isUsernameAvailable($db, $userName)) RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("This username is already taken!"), $formId); $user->name = $userName; $user->nameLastChanged = new DateTimeImmutable(); } } if ($email !== $user->email) { if ($user->pendingEmailCreated !== null) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Please verify your email first!"), $formId); } else { $queryUser = new User(); $queryUser->email = $email; $queryUser->pendingEmail = $email; if ($db->fetchWhere($queryUser, "email") || $db->fetchWhere($queryUser, "pending_email")) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("This email address is already in use!"), $formId); } $user->pendingEmail = $email; $user->pendingEmailCreated = new DateTimeImmutable(); $user->activationToken = $db->generateId(12); try { Transport::fromDsn(env("MAILER_DSN"))->send( (new Email()) ->from(env("MAILER_FROM")) ->to(new Address($email, $displayName)) ->text(__( "Hello, %user_display_name%!\n" . "\n" . "Please verify your new email address by clicking the link below:\n" . "%verify_link%\n" . "\n" . "Kind regards,\n" . "%forum_copyright%", params: [ "forum_title" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum"), "user_display_name" => $displayName, "verify_link" => env("PUBLIC_URL") . "?_action=verifyemail&token=" . urlencode($user->activationToken) . "&sig=" . urlencode(base64_encode(hash("sha256", env("SECRET") . $user->activationToken . $user->id, true))), "forum_copyright" => (env("MYSTIC_FORUM_COPYRIGHT") ?? env("MYSTIC_FORUM_TITLE") ?? "Forum") ] )) ->subject(__("Please verify your email address")) ); } catch (TransportException $_) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Failed to send verification email"), $formId); } } } switch ($pfpAction) { case "keep": // Do nothing break; case "remove": $user->profilePicture = null; break; case "replace": { if (!isset($_FILES["pfp"]) || $_FILES["pfp"]["error"] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Please upload an image to change your profile picture"), $formId); } $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES["pfp"]["tmp_name"]); if ($im === false) $im = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES["pfp"]["tmp_name"]); if ($im === false) RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Please upload a valid PNG or JPEG file"), $formId); /** @var \GdImage $im */ $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor(64, 64); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64, imagesx($im), imagesy($im)); imagedestroy($im); $stream = fopen("php://memory", "w+"); imagejpeg($thumb, $stream, 50); rewind($stream); imagedestroy($thumb); $user->profilePicture = stream_get_contents($stream); fclose($stream); } break; default: RequestUtils::triggerFormError("Invalid value for pfp_action", $formId); break; } if (!$db->update($user)) RequestUtils::triggerFormError(__("Failed to save changes", context: "Update profile"), $formId); header("Location: $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"); } else { msg_error("Invalid formId"); }