<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace mystic\forum; use DateTime; use DateTimeImmutable; use mystic\forum\attributes\Column; use mystic\forum\attributes\DefaultValue; use mystic\forum\attributes\NotNull; use mystic\forum\attributes\PrimaryKey; use mystic\forum\attributes\References; use mystic\forum\attributes\Table; use mystic\forum\attributes\Unique; use mystic\forum\exceptions\DatabaseConnectionException; use mystic\forum\orm\Entity; use mystic\forum\utils\ArrayUtils; use mystic\forum\utils\StringUtils; use PgSql\Connection; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionProperty; class Database { private Connection $connection; private const PRIMARY_KEY = 0b0000_0001; private const NOT_NULL = 0b0000_0010; private const REFERENCES = 0b0000_0100; private const UNIQUE = 0b0000_1000; private const DEFAULT = 0b0001_0000; protected static function encodeBinary(string $bin): string { return "\\x" . bin2hex($bin); } protected static function decodeBinary(string $enc): string { return hex2bin(substr($enc, 2)); } public static function generateId(int $length = 64): string { static $charset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"; static $charsetLength = strlen($charset); $buf = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) $buf .= $charset[random_int(0, $charsetLength - 1)]; return $buf; } private static function exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) { throw new \ErrorException(html_entity_decode($errstr), $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline); } public function __construct(string $connectionString) { try { set_error_handler(self::exception_error_handler(...)); $conn = \pg_connect($connectionString); if ($conn !== false) $this->connection = $conn; } catch (\ErrorException $ex) { throw new DatabaseConnectionException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode(), $ex); } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } public static function getConnectionString(string $host, string $user, string $password, string $dbname, int $port = 5432): string { return self::buildConnectionString([ "host" => $host, "dbname" => $dbname, "user" => $user, "password" => $password, "port" => strval($port), ]); } public static function buildConnectionString(array $params): string { $items = []; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $items []= $key . "='" . self::escapeConnectionStringValue($value) . "'"; } return implode(" ", $items); } private static function escapeConnectionStringValue(string $value): string { return str_replace([ '\\', "'", ], [ '\\\\', "\\'", ], $value); } private static function getTableName(string $entityClassName): string { $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $attrs = $reflClass->getAttributes(Table::class); foreach ($attrs as $attr) return $attr->newInstance()->tableName; return "public." . StringUtils::camelToSnake($reflClass->getShortName()); } private static function getColumnName(ReflectionProperty &$prop): string { $attrs = $prop->getAttributes(Column::class); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $name = $attr->newInstance()->columnName; if ($name !== null) return $name; } return StringUtils::camelToSnake($prop->getName()); } private static function getColumnType(ReflectionProperty &$prop): string { $attrs = $prop->getAttributes(Column::class); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $type = $attr->newInstance()->columnType; if ($type !== null) return $type; } $type = $prop->getType(); if (!($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType)) throw new \RuntimeException("Union types or intersection types cannot be converted to a " . "database type. Please specify one manually using the #[Column] attribute!"); $typeName = $type->getName(); if (!$type->isBuiltin() && $typeName !== \DateTime::class && $typeName !== \DateTimeImmutable::class) throw new \RuntimeException("User-defined types cannot be converted to a " . "database type. Please specify one manually using the #[Column] attribute!"); switch ($typeName) { case \DateTime::class: case \DateTimeImmutable::class: return "timestamp with time zone"; case "true": case "false": case "bool": return "boolean"; case "float": return "double precision"; case "int": return "bigint"; case "string": case "null": return "text"; case "object": case "array": return "jsonb"; case "iterable": case "callable": case "mixed": case "never": case "void": default: throw new \RuntimeException("The type \"$typeName\" cannot be stored in the database"); } } private static function getColumnDefinitions(string $entityClassName): array { $statements = []; // TODO Foreign keys $rflEntity = new \ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($rflEntity); foreach ($cols as $colName => $colInfo) { $rflProp = new \ReflectionProperty($entityClassName, $colInfo["propertyName"]); $colType = self::getColumnType($rflProp); $statement = "$colName $colType"; if (($colInfo["flags"] & self::DEFAULT) !== 0) { $statement .= " DEFAULT " . $colInfo["defaultValue"]; } if (($colInfo["flags"] & self::UNIQUE) !== 0) { $statement .= " UNIQUE"; } if (($colInfo["flags"] & self::NOT_NULL) !== 0) { $statement .= " NOT NULL"; } if (($colInfo["flags"] & self::PRIMARY_KEY) !== 0) { $statement .= " PRIMARY KEY"; } if (($colInfo["flags"] & self::REFERENCES) !== 0) { $statement .= " REFERENCES " . $colInfo["reference"]; } $statements []= $statement; } return $statements; } private static function getColumns(ReflectionClass &$rflEntity): array { return ArrayUtils::assocFromPairs(array_map(function(ReflectionProperty $prop): array { $flags = 0; $attrs = $prop->getAttributes(); $reference = ""; $defaultValue = null; foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $attrName = $attr->getName(); if ($attrName === PrimaryKey::class) { $flags |= self::PRIMARY_KEY; } elseif ($attrName === NotNull::class) { $flags |= self::NOT_NULL; } elseif ($attrName === Unique::class) { $flags |= self::UNIQUE; } elseif ($attrName === References::class) { $flags |= self::REFERENCES; $reference = $attr->newInstance()->__toString(); } elseif ($attrName === DefaultValue::class) { $flags |= self::DEFAULT; $defaultValue = $attr->newInstance()->defaultValue; } } return [self::getColumnName($prop), [ "propertyName" => $prop->getName(), "flags" => $flags, "reference" => $reference, "defaultValue" => $defaultValue, "columnType" => self::getColumnType($prop), ]]; }, $rflEntity->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC))); } private static function getPrimaryKeyColumn(array &$cols): ?string { foreach ($cols as $col => ["flags" => $flags]) if (($flags & self::PRIMARY_KEY) !== 0) return $col; return null; } private static function stringifyValue(mixed $value, string $columnType): ?string { if ($columnType === "bytea" && is_string($value)) return self::encodeBinary($value); elseif (is_null($value)) return null; elseif (is_bool($value)) return $value ? "true" : "false"; elseif (is_scalar($value)) return strval($value); elseif (is_a($value, \DateTimeInterface::class)) return $value->format("c"); elseif (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) return json_encode($value, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); else throw new \RuntimeException("Don't know how to stringify " . ((is_object($value) && !is_array($value)) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value))); } private static function assignValue(Entity &$entity, array $colProps, ?string $value): void { $propName = $colProps["propertyName"]; $colType = $colProps["columnType"]; $prop = new \ReflectionProperty($entity, $propName); $type = $prop->getType(); $typedValue = null; if (!($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType)) throw new \RuntimeException("Union types or intersection types cannot be converted to from a database type."); $typeName = $type->getName(); if (!$type->isBuiltin() && $typeName !== \DateTime::class && $typeName !== \DateTimeImmutable::class) throw new \RuntimeException("User-defined types cannot be converted to from a database type."); if ($value !== null) switch ($typeName) { case \DateTime::class: $typedValue = new \DateTime($value); break; case \DateTimeImmutable::class: $typedValue = new \DateTimeImmutable($value); break; case "true": case "false": case "bool": $typedValue = in_array(strtolower($value), ["true","t","yes","on","1"]) ? true : (in_array(strtolower($value), ["false","f","no","off","0"]) ? false : null); break; case "float": $typedValue = floatval($value); break; case "int": $typedValue = intval($value); break; case "string": case "null": if ($colType === "bytea") { $typedValue = self::decodeBinary(strval($value)); } else { $typedValue = strval($value); } break; case "object": $typedValue = json_decode($value); break; case "array": $typedValue = json_decode($value, true); break; case "iterable": case "callable": case "mixed": case "never": case "void": default: throw new \RuntimeException("The type \"$typeName\" cannot be restored from the database"); } $entity->{$propName} = $typedValue; } private static function getColumnValues(Entity &$entity, array &$cols): array { $values = []; foreach ($cols as $colInfo) { $values []= self::stringifyValue($entity->{$colInfo["propertyName"]} ?? null, $colInfo["columnType"]); } return $values; } public function insert(Entity &$entity): void { $entityClassName = get_class($entity); $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $values = ArrayUtils::fill(fn($i) => null, count($cols)); foreach (self::getColumnValues($entity, $cols) as $i => $value) $values[$i] = $value; $query = "INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES (" . implode(",", ArrayUtils::fill(fn($i) => "$" . ($i + 1), count($cols))) . ");"; $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, $values); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Insert failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); \pg_free_result($result); } public function fetch(Entity &$entity): bool { $entityClassName = get_class($entity); $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $primaryCol = self::getPrimaryKeyColumn($cols); if ($primaryCol === null) throw new \RuntimeException("Fetching an entity requires a primary key column to be specified"); $query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE $primaryCol = \$1 LIMIT 1;"; $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, [ $entity->{$cols[$primaryCol]["propertyName"]} ]); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Fetch failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $row = \pg_fetch_assoc($result); \pg_free_result($result); if ($row === false) return false; foreach ($cols as $colName => $colProps) self::assignValue($entity, $colProps, $row[$colName]); return true; } public function fetchWhere(Entity &$entity, string|array $columnNames): bool { $entityClassName = get_class($entity); $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); if (!is_array($columnNames)) { $columnNames = [ $columnNames ]; } $whereClause = []; $columnValues = []; $count = 0; foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) { ++$count; if (!isset($cols[$columnName])) throw new \RuntimeException("Column $columnName does not exist!"); $whereClause []= "$columnName = \$$count"; $columnValues []= self::stringifyValue($entity->{$cols[$columnName]["propertyName"]}, $cols[$columnName]["columnType"]); } $whereClause = implode(" AND ", $whereClause); $query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE $whereClause LIMIT 1;"; $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, $columnValues); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Fetch failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $row = \pg_fetch_assoc($result); \pg_free_result($result); if ($row === false) return false; foreach ($cols as $colName => $colProps) self::assignValue($entity, $colProps, $row[$colName]); return true; } public function fetchAll(string $entityClassName): array { $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName;"; $result = \pg_query($this->connection, $query); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Fetch failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $items = []; while (($row = \pg_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false) { $entity = new $entityClassName(); foreach ($cols as $colName => $colProps) self::assignValue($entity, $colProps, $row[$colName]); $items []= $entity; } \pg_free_result($result); return $items; } public function fetchCustom(string $entityClassName, string $customQuery, ?array $customQueryParams = null): array { $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName $customQuery;"; if ($customQueryParams === null) $result = \pg_query($this->connection, $query); else $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, $customQueryParams); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Fetch failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $items = []; while (($row = \pg_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false) { $entity = new $entityClassName(); foreach ($cols as $colName => $colProps) self::assignValue($entity, $colProps, $row[$colName]); $items []= $entity; } \pg_free_result($result); return $items; } public function execCustomQuery(string $query, ?array $customQueryParams = null, ?string $entityClassName = null): array { if ($customQueryParams === null) $result = \pg_query($this->connection, $query); else $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, $customQueryParams); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Query failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $cols = null; if ($entityClassName !== null) { $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); } $rowsOrItems = []; while (($row = \pg_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false) { if ($entityClassName !== null) { $entity = new $entityClassName(); foreach ($cols as $colName => $colProps) self::assignValue($entity, $colProps, $row[$colName]); $rowsOrItems []= $entity; } else { $rowsOrItems []= $row; } } \pg_free_result($result); return $rowsOrItems; } public function delete(Entity &$entity): bool { $entityClassName = get_class($entity); $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entityClassName); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $primaryCol = self::getPrimaryKeyColumn($cols); if ($primaryCol === null) throw new \RuntimeException("Deleting an entity requires a primary key column to be specified"); $query = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE $primaryCol = \$1;"; $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, [ $entity->{$cols[$primaryCol]["propertyName"]} ]); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Deletion failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $num_affected_rows = \pg_affected_rows($result); \pg_free_result($result); return $num_affected_rows >= 1; } public function update(Entity &$entity): bool { $tableName = self::getTableName(get_class($entity)); $reflClass = new ReflectionClass($entity); $cols = self::getColumns($reflClass); $primaryCol = self::getPrimaryKeyColumn($cols); if ($primaryCol === null) throw new \RuntimeException("Updating an entity requires a primary key column to be specified"); $filteredCols = array_values(array_filter(ArrayUtils::asPairs($cols), function($pair) { return ($pair[1]["flags"] & self::PRIMARY_KEY) === 0; })); // echo "<pre>"; // var_dump($filteredCols); // exit; $qCols = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($filteredCols); ++$i) { $qCols []= implode("=", [ $filteredCols[$i][0], '$' . ($i + 2) ]); } $colDef = implode(", ", $qCols); $query = "UPDATE $tableName SET $colDef WHERE $primaryCol = \$1;"; //$theCols = ArrayUtils::assocFromPairs($filteredCols); $result = \pg_query_params($this->connection, $query, self::getColumnValues($entity, $cols)); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Update failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); $num_affected_rows = \pg_affected_rows($result); \pg_free_result($result); return $num_affected_rows >= 1; } public function ensureTable(string $entityClassName): void { $tableName = self::getTableName($entityClassName); $colDefs = self::getColumnDefinitions($entityClassName); $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $tableName ();"; foreach ($colDefs as $colDef) $query .= "ALTER TABLE $tableName ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS $colDef;"; $result = \pg_query($this->connection, $query); if ($result === false) throw new \RuntimeException("Table creation failed: " . \pg_last_error($this->connection)); \pg_free_result($result); } }